
EN ROUTE SOCIAL POSTS: As a digital content specialist at En Route one of my main responsibilities was writing weekly posts for a number of client accounts. Some favs below:


BBH BARN 2018: I wrote campaign names, tag lines and social posts for hypothetical campaigns intending to help end gun violence in the U.S. 


Click For Our Lives

A hypothetical campaign to help end gun violence right from the comfort of your couch.

Our goal was to build a site, host google banner ads, knowing that we would profit from each click. All the money we raised we would donate to March for Our Lives - providing those who care about helping end gun violence a simple and cost efficient way to raise money right from their home.

Social Pt. 1 ~ CFOL Memes
Inspired by "get out the vote" type campaigns, I created CFOL memes with the tag line: "Exercise your right to click"


Social Pt. 2 ~ Instagram Stickers
Building off our get out the vote style campaign we created Instagram story stickers to allow users to engage in the campaign.



The Funeral For Gun Control

Social Pt. 1 ~ Facebook Event
When we heard that Cody Wilson would be releasing digital blue prints for 3d printed guns on august 1st, striking a huge blow to gun control, in what many called "the death of gun control" we decided to raise awareness about the issue by throwing a fake "funeral for gun control" on Facebook.

Social Pt. 2 ~ Fake Obituaries
Beyond the Facebook event we created sharable / promotable "gun control obituaries" in the style of the New York times, shocking people towards action in response to this issue.



The NRA Payback Program

Web P1.
Our plan was to legally buy the domain and use it as an external donation site for March for Our Lives. The NRA would hate being associated with MFOL and thus would want the site back. The catch? If they wanted the site back they would have to match the donations raised on the site. This would incentivize our audience to donate early and often!


Web Pt. 2
A step by step explanation of our strategy to site visitors.


To raise awareness and drive traffic to, I paraphrased negative NRA related headlines to anger our audience into taking action followed by our campaign tag line + hashtag ~ #MakeTheNRAPay